The masterminds behind the legendary Tekken franchise, Katsuhiro Harada and Michael Murray, stood tall and proud as they presented the newest members to their historic lineup: the ferocious and crafty Leroy and the elegant and lethal Asuka.
The two gameplay clips demonstrated how each character battled differently and executed deadly combinations. Tekken 8 had clearly pushed the limits of what was possible in the fighting game genre, leaving fans wanting more of the heart-pounding action and adrenaline-fueled matches that only Tekken could give.
Leroy and Asuka: Latest Tekken 8 Characters
In Leroy’s amazing video, he unleashes a flood of attacks that will leave you gasping for air. He can deliver strikes so lethal they’ll make your jaw drop with only a swipe of his cane. The creators felt compelled to showcase him at the event because of his widespread appeal among gamers. Seven of the top eight players at the 2020 Evo Japan voted for Leroy as their champion.
Leroy’s official description is equally captivating. It describes him as a “Grandmaster of Drip,” implying that he’s a style icon who oozes coolness from every pore. The description goes on to say that Leroy’s fighting technique is a reflection of his personality since the fist is a mirror to the soul. The gaming community takes notice of Leroy because of his exceptional talent and style.
Behold the indomitable Asuka, hailed as the “Spirited Peacemaker” in this iteration, donning a fresh ensemble and cruising on a bicycle with a flair that belies her martial prowess.
From her first appearance in Tekken 5 to her unwavering presence in subsequent installments, Asuka has captivated fans with her fighting spirit and unyielding determination.
And now that she’s back in Tekken 8, her determined spirit shines as brightly as ever, bringing balance and harmony to the chaos with her strong will. It’s great to see her in action again, and it shows how important she is in the history of Tekken.
Characters for Tekken 8 have been revealed in a flurry, with a deluge of news coming at us like a hurricane. Just in the previous week have we been introduced to such powerful new characters as Jack-8, Jun Kazama, and Xiaoyu, and now is the time for Leroy and Asuka. Like a flash of lightning, each new unveiling in this epic fighting game has fans giddy with anticipation and excitement.
Have you seen the beauty of the above newest videos in 4K quality? If you’re lucky enough to have strong hardware, you can enjoy the game’s stunning sights and feel immersed in its unmatched performance in 2160p. Give succumb to the awe-inspiring spectacle before you and behold the pinnacle of gaming.
RELATED – Tekken 8 Bringing Back Jun Kazama: New Trailer
The newest version of Tekken will put you in the ring with graphics that will blow your mind and rivalries that will keep you on the edge of your seat. The team at Bandai Namco has pulled out all the stops to bring you a gaming experience that will leave you amazed.
The excitement doesn’t stop there, as Tekken’s newest release is confirmed to be coming to the PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC. Get ready to showcase your skills on the platform of your choice and dominate the competition.