
Musical Comeback Of Kelly Clarkson With New Album Chemistry

Musical Comeback Of Kelly Clarkson

The Bakkt Theater at Planet Hollywood will host Kelly Clarkson’s intimate music event Chemistry: An Intimate Evening with Kelly Clarkson from July 28 to August 19.

Kelly posted a video specifying her upcoming album Chemistry with the same three emojis she had previously used to tease the album.

Musical Comeback Of Kelly Clarkson

Kelly Clarkson is taking a 10-day break from her summer run of The Kelly Clarkson Show to perform a string of massive Las Vegas shows. She’ll be doing a stint at Planet Hollywood’s Bakkt Theater called “Chemistry: An Intimate Evening with Kelly Clarkson” to promote her new album of the same name, her first in six years.

“It is officially time to tell you that I’ve been working on this project for close to three years now and I wasn’t sure I was going to release it, but I am,” Kelly explained in an Instagram video posted on March 26. “The album is called Chemistry.”

The Voice coach said she wanted the name to encompass a wide array of feelings and experiences, which is why she went with a single word for the project’s title.

“I was trying to find a word that really described the whole thing because I didn’t want everybody to think I was just coming out with some just like, ‘I’m angry. I’m sad.’ Just one or two emotions,” Clarkson said.

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“This album is definitely the arc of an entire relationship, and a whole relationship shouldn’t be just brought down to one thing. So there’s the good, the bad, the ugly thing kinda going on in it. Chemistry can be a really amazing sexy, cool, fun thing, but it can also be very bad for you. So, that’s why I named it chemistry,” she revealed. “I thought it was kinda the perfect title to describe the entire album,” she added.

The release date and month were not disclosed, although Clarkson did say that the album’s songs will be available “coming out soon”.  Clarkson went on to say “So I’m very excited about it. I hope you dig it. And when I say soon, I mean really soon,” she said. “I’m nervous, but I’m excited about putting it out. It’s coming, Chemistry,” Kelly concluded.

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More About Her New Album

Clarkson informed Variety in September 2022 that she was working on her album that week, which would be released the following year. She emphasized the significance of the album, stating that she was working on it while in therapy to overcome difficulties with vocalizing her emotions. The music had been therapeutic for her, and she revealed that the record was recorded some time ago, which may have been during the period when she was going through a divorce from her ex-husband, Brandon Blackstock.

Clarkson described the emotional challenges she faced during her separation from her ex, recalling how she and her producer wrote 25 songs in a week, many of which ended up on her album that was written almost two years ago. She explained that the songs cover a range of emotions, much like the arc of a relationship, where the beginning is sweet and beautiful, but sometimes it doesn’t evolve as one hopes.

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